Missionary Evangelist and now Pilot
Missionary has been radically and passionately serving Christ and the church since she became a Christian at the age of 17. After finishing high school and joining YWAM for a year she moved back to Germany to study social work and became an intricate part of a newly emerging church in Germany called “Jesus Freaks”. Missionary soon became involved in leadership and even pastoring churches. Her passion for church planting and evangelism soon flamed into a desire for loving the nations and leading them to Jesus. Missionary has set her feet on every populated continent and in many countries since she said yes to the call of loving the nations. Missionary is serving with Iris Ministries since October 2005 and is currently living in Chimoio, Mozambique.
Why we need a Plane...
It is far & the road is bad bad bad.
It is a tar road but there isn’t a whole lot of tar left and it’s tiring to drive 11 hours on a road on which you constantly have to decide which side of the road is better, which pothole is less deep, having to choose between bad worse and the worst. Anyways it was worth the effort. We saw the kingdom of God coming to the people, as we showed the Jesus film (after overcoming some obstacles due to witchcraft), preaching, praying for them, teaching at the church … many were saved, healed, delivered … glory honor and praise be to Jesus, who was and is and is to come!
Yes, I live on a continent that is not very developed in general, but one of the areas we went to I really felt thousands of years back or at least in the middle age – we kept on meeting carriage-like carts with people sitting in them, donkeys in front – that is the transport there … and everyone in my car agreed on what we were driving on was not a road, but something else, we don’t know … at one time the ‚road’ went straight up a rock, about 10 meters, another time the bridge along a wide river was in pieces, so after we drove almost vertical downhill we had to cross an about 100 meter (more than 300 feet) wide river and so on … thanks be to Jesus for his protection!
I was impressed by the distances people were willing to walk just to hear the gospel (30-50km).
We showing the Jesus film at tons of places, preached, prayed, taught, encouraged, fellowshipped … glory & honor be to only one, our Lord Jesus Christ!
Why I want to help the people of Mozambique
For many years I had a burning desire within me to go to the nations showing them the love of God in different ways and it was hard for me to stay in my own country, but I had to wait for God’s time.
The desire of my heart and calling is to give a home to children that have lost their parents and are not wanted by anyone else of their family, who’d be on the street.
I have been to every continent and in many countries since I said yes to the call of loving the nations.
My service projects now in four different ministry areas:
• prison ministry
• hospital prayer ministry
• food distribution for church-based orphan care
• partnering with the local church leadership in evangelism, church-planting and encouraging believers.
[Missionary is also part of a team of Iris Missionaries that has repeatedly traveled for short-term evangelism and outreach trips to Zimbabwe.]
We’ve been planting maize and vegetables on our property, mainly that our children would learn how to plant and grow their own maize and vegetables so that they’ll be able to survive as Mozambicans once they leave our center. Also, of course it is nice when we don’t have to buy these things. We raise animals, at the moment we have started with chickens. All our children help cooking and cleaning … .
Besides helping with things in our children’s center we’re on the move a lot (with a team of local leaders), running a food distribution program in cooperation with Iris Ministries with which we are supporting Mozambicans who have taken in orphans into their families, by giving basic staple food, basic healthcare, teaching and enabling people to be self-sustaining through different projects… doing relief work whenever necessary and finances are available as well as evangelizing and planting new churches, visiting & ministering to existing churches, training pastors and leaders … .
Once a week we are going to the prison (to do a service & counseling) and to the hospital (to visit and pray for the sick) also once a week. Another day we are ministering to the children who live on the streets, feeding them, giving clothes, checking on their health, loving on them and teaching them various things. Some of them we managed to reintegrate into their families, others are living in children’s centers, most of them are going to school by now… .
Growing up in Germany I’ve always enjoyed to travel, to get to know new people, other cultures and countries. For many years I had a burning desire within me to go to the nations showing them the love of God in different ways and it was hard for me to stay in my own country, but I had to wait for God’s time.
After I graduated from High School I joined YWAM (Youth with a Mission) and if things had been up to me I would have stayed on the mission field back then, but God led me back to Germany, moving to Nuremberg and studying social work. During that time, I was brought together with a handful other people, who also didn’t know much about church planting, but God challenged us to start a church for our friends. I learnt a lot during that time, especially about church life & leadership as well as living in community. Many times God said to me: “This is your training ground”.
But as I’ve said all this time I had in my heart to go to the nations, telling them about the God who loves them, especially those that have never had an opportunity to hear about Him. How can they believe if no one tells them was the question that was resounding in my heart? I wanted to help the poor, telling them there is hope. So whenever I was given an opportunity I visited other countries to teach, preach, pray or do relief and humanitarian aid work. Over the years I had the privilege to visit and live in many different places, in countries like Thailand, South Africa, Canada, Indonesia, Nepal, Brazil, Russia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Korea, Poland, Uganda, Taiwan, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, the Philippines, Russia, Australia, U.S.A, Mexico, Rumania and many more.
Loving the Nations is an international Christian nonprofit organization that was officially registered in January 2012, in Landshut, Germany, after having been active for years in many countries around the world.
We’ve also been going to Zimbabwe since 2008. Seeing the state of the country and the desperation of the people we had an increasing burden and desire to help in some way. In 2009, at a time when there was no more food in any of the shops and people were literally starving we were given finances to bring truckloads of food into the country. It was not an easy job during a time when foreigners had been forced to leave the country; it took a few miracles to get it in and bring it to some of the most needy people (sick people, widows and orphans), but God has been faithful, taking care of every detail, so we could show His love and His heart to them. I am constantly amazed at what God is doing, what He entrusts into our hands. I trusted the Lord for a place to live and He provided. We needed a car to do the various kinds of ministries and preach the good news and He gave it to us. We needed houses for our beautiful children, beds, mattresses, mosquito nets … and the Lord took care of all of it. We needed a truck to bring food to the orphans taken care of by Mozambican families we’re supporting in cooperation with Iris Ministries and God gave it us. I could go on and on. God always provides for the things that are on his heart!
If you are flexible and can handle living in a simple way (without running water and electricity, don’t mind using African toilets and showers, eating their food…), if you want to get to know us, give yourself and serve the poor and lost with us, you can come and visit us … if you have any kind of practical skills you are welcome to do something with our children, teaching them, building something or you can just join and help us with whatever is happening at that moment … .The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, as the bible says, so we are praying that the Lord will send laborers into the harvest, also to us!!
We have many more ideas, visions and dreams …
§ 2 Purpose of the organization
I. Purpose of the organization is to take care of orphans, the poor, street children and convicts.
II. The aim and purpose is achieved by
1)providing shelter for orphans in homes, providing them with food, medical care and education;
2) humanitarian help
3) feeding the poor
4) emergency relief
5) Self-help assistance
6) Financial and educational support for schools
7) Support for convicts and work to improve their living conditions during their period in custody
8) Support for children living on the streets, financial support for their education, financial support for children without home or orphans
9) All work of the association is based on Christian values
§ 3 Charitable/ Non-profit
I. The organization only functions as charitable and Non-profit. The organization does not work for its own profit. It is predominately a non-profit organization.
II. The financial means of the
organization can only be used for purposes in compliance with its association articles. Its members do not receive grants from the organization. No person can receive expenses or disproportional pay. This does not affect average and adequate pay for employees of the organization.
III. Means of the organization can be used in accordance with the association articles within Germany or outside the country.
IV. The organization can raise funds for the realization of the purpose of the association articles for other charitable
Chimoio & around
A Papaya tree fell over a most hitting our house but thank God no one got hurt
At our house in Chimoio
planting vegetables (in that case onions)
ironing (with charcoal)
some of our boys in Chimoio
in front of one of our kids houses, Jennifer, another missionary and the house parents
JanuaryHYPERLINK “http://loving-the-nations.org/januar-2016/” 2016
worshipping & dancing
A natural bridge made by God
At Casa Msika
Baptisms in the prison Nov 2015
Carlos is getting married
Christmas Service in Prison
Giving out juice and bread to everyone
Praying for people afterwards
Still waiting to be baptized
The children singing at Casa Msika
Update of the property beginning of December 2015-1
Watch out for elephants… (on the new road to Dombe)
My dear friends,
I hope this finds you all well …
Here in Chimoio I’ve had a great time celebrating Christmas with the children, first on the 24th with those that have come of the street and are now living on the Loving the Nations property and then on the 25th with those from Iris Ministries. Lots of presents, sweets and food -‐ as they like it ;-).
God’s been good to me, taking care of me & those with me in every way. I’ve been invited by the owner of Casa M’sika to come back with the children for another night of Christmas carols & candlelight dinner. The kids did a great job singing carols there, some even in English, which took quite a bit to teach them, but they did well. They had fun going for a walk to see the animals, swimming in the pool and just enjoying the night out in such a beautiful place. I praise & thank God for such a privilege once again …
On the new property … We finished the 3rd house and the guest house is almost finished, too, this week they’re digging the foundation of the 4th (house and last one for now) … prices have gone up a lot and building is challenging now … we’ve been given money for the house, but when I made the estimate prices were very different, like wood is twice as much now) … either way we’ll somehow get it done as always … .
At the moment our carpenter is busy making beds for the children … then we’ve to buy mattresses …
See the beautiful Machessa (the thing with the straw roof) on the picture. it’s already been used for a wedding … Carlos, the guy who stays there with the children got married, in a non-‐traditional way, just doing the wedding ceremony before God and us praying for / blessing them … it was beautiful … and a great example for the children … that even if you don’t have money you do what is right before God, making an alliance with testimonies … .
Pray for more workers that have God’s heart for the children … .
The legalization of Loving the Nations here is also moving forward. Finally, we have the paper from Social Welfare here (they came to visit & inspect and hardly criticized anything – which is a miracle to everyone who knows how they are – to us it’s an answer to prayer) and once again all the papers are on the governor’s desk to be approved. Please pray with us for a positive response and that he or anyone won’t ask for another paper, would you?
Maybe let me mention one more thing … the director of the justice department who refused to sign our paper was transferred and so was the director at social welfare … the week I went back to social welfare because I needed a permit from them for the police to take the children to Messica and they spontaneously decided to come out to the property with me they had just gotten a new director who worked the first day and didn’t know much, so signed anything she was asked to … how God organizes things … I love it … it took a long time, but He finally put everything into place … !
Since I came back from Europe mid-august we’ve had 2 baptisms in the prison, an amazing Christmas service with about 700 prisoners sharing the good news about Jesus with them and leading them to start a relationship with Jesus as their Lord and savior. After we finished the lady who is in charge of basically everything that is going on inside the prison (who works closely with the director) said to our inside pastor that this coming year she’ll be participating in the bible studies I’m doing in the prison. And the officials asked me if we can’t also go to the other prisons in the province of Manica (where we live in) to preach there. Hm. Yes, I guess so. God has given us so much favor in this prison, anything we ask we’re allowed to do and on top of it they’re asking us to do things. In November I did teaching & training with all the pastors & leaders inside there (it’s a big prison, there are 1800+ people there now). Each part has their ‘pastor’ that takes care of the sheep … things are getting organized ;‐). 24/7 prayer is still going on there … and I don’t remember when it was, but a few weeks ago they thanked us for coming and acknowledged that this year was the first year they didn’t have something bad happening in September there; every other year in September people tried to escape and there was fighting inside there … and they said it’s because of prayer and what we’ve been doing … I think it’s because of what God has been doing, but either way they (and we) give the glory to God!!
Some amazing people joined the hospital team lately and I praise the Lord for it … may they keep coming …
The youth services are moving forward, too, lots more people participating lately and more & more getting the vision of working and praying together in unity. Each service has been special. On the last one people just didn’t want to go home, they kept on worshipping for a long time after we had already officially finished the service …
We finished the 2nd part of the discipleship group on Sunday nights … there has been such a depth, which is very very rare here.
In January I’ll be continuing with other teachings, opening up again for new people come.
Lately the Lord has been sending more and more people to my house that are hungry for more of Jesus, want to know the truth and counseling. I don’t know where this is going … .
In October we went to the district of Sussundenga, Dombe and Moussorize to do evangelism … the team was great, we didn’t know what we’d eat, but we were well fed, didn’t know where to sleep, but it all worked out well … and what is the most important thing … many found Jesus :-).
At the first place we went to we showed the Jesus film and ministered on a soccer field that was right across from a bar that had blaring loud music on in the afternoon (there was no electricity, but they use an old car battery), but they switched it off once we started and all came to see the life of Jesus. There was a lot of repentance and deliverance that night … God loves these people out there in the bush, forgotten by the world, but not by God … !
I could write you lots & lots more, but I don’t want to bore you … as usual I & we went to many places to preach and teach and each time God spoke and moved … I am truly grateful to the One who sits on the throne and reigns from eternity to all eternity, the One who was and is and is to come … .
I trust that God will be with you in 2016, He’ll lead, guide and direct you every step of the way, provide for you, love on you …
May He give you all the grace & strength you need and his peace be with you,
Love & blessings,
asking them questions
one by one
dedicating their lives to Jesus
celebrating new lives
with Jesus
at Casa M’sika again with all the kids
at the children’s property
at the kitchen
things for the children’s playground soon to be transported to the children’s property
worshipping & dancing
Hi everyone,
don’t know where the time has gone, it’s almost time to go to Europe again (in June) …
Lots of things have been happening, as always ;-‐)
The week before and over Easter we were in Zimbabwe again, to quite a few places since it was a 10-day trip. Life in Zim is tough these days; there has been a draught, so there isn’t much of a harvest in the rural areas and in the cities everything is very expensive: there if hardly electricity or water (if there is electricity then usually after midnight, or at least after 11 p.m., to about 3 a.m., so people have to cook then because there is no firewood or charcoal allowed for sale like in Mozambique; water is usually from about 4.30 to 5.30/6 a.m.; and people still have to be at work at 8 a.m.). So even for us it was a hard trip concerning circumstances, we didn’t sleep much, got soaking wet multiple times, were cold, there was hardly any food … but many lives were touched, people got saved, healed, delivered … and that’s what matters. Compliments to my team, they had a great attitude despite of all things … .
The last 3 days we went to a conference in the area of Chipinge high high up in the mountains, driving uphill for about 2 hours. At some point we stopped because everyone needed to go to the ‘bathroom’, which was a mistake, but who could know that the car wouldn’t start again? The ‘road’ was small, so there was no way to turn around the car to push-‐start it downhill; pushing uphill was impossible; so the only option was reverse gear downhill. I said to PAPA, ‘this is with you’; the team pushed me a bit and thank God on the 2nd try it started! What we did was dangerous because when the engine is off it’s hard to break and the road was not straight, but there really wasn’t another option. There are always new experiences in life … :-).
At the end of April we had another baptism in the prison (47 prisoners), celebrating their new lives with & for Jesus :-).
After they finished 1 month of 24/7 prayer they decided on their own to add 7 days (a
week) of fasting & prayer … wow … and said they’ll continue with 24/7 prayer next month …
The favor we have in the prison with the officials still amazes me … a few weeks ago our responsible pastor inside the prison was called by the new commander who told him they’ll increase the number of people allowed to participate in our services because our teachings are changing people’s lives … and they’ve kept their word, there are about twice as many people allowed in our weekly services now … .
The bible studies I’m doing there on Thursday afternoons are going really well, too. Those that participate have to commit for 2 years and they’re the real hungry ones … it’s a joy to teach them … :-)-‐
We managed to renew our permission to pray in the hospital paper and are pressing in for the kingdom to come & manifest there as it is manifesting in the prison these days … .
Unfortunately from what I know the legalization of Loving the Nations hasn’t moved forward much, but I managed to inform social welfare about what we are doing and God even gave me an opportunity to speak to the director there which is usually quite difficult.
I’m grateful that most of the street children that came to live with us are still there and their lives are changed forever. If you hear them praying you’d think they’ve been praying for the last 5 years, but they’ve only been with us for less than 4 months. Please keep them & those taking care of them in prayer. There have been and still are many battles and once again at this present moment it looks like the enemy is trying to
discourage the guys staying there with them, wanting to side-‐track them, but he won’t manage -‐ in Jesus’ name!!
Join me in praying for more laborers for the harvest (in every area) … . The kids have school holidays this week, so we used the opportunity to take all the kids (Iris & Loving the Nations) to ‘Casa M’sica’ again … what a fun day … swimming in the pool again, seeing animals (this time one of the giraffes showed up with her baby as we were walking in the beautiful nature out there), a mountain of rice & meat for lunch …
Discipleship group …
is almost finished (only 2 Sundays left) … everyone is insisting we need to continue and I think so, too … at least until the end of the year … then we’ll decide again …
Last weekend we were in Macossa and Guro, which is in the north of the province I’m staying in. It was by faith I went because I couldn’t find time to fix on the car what I wanted to be fixed before. Anyways, God has been faithful as always, he brought us there & back safely. We showed the Jesus film in Macossa on Friday night; the people from the church there had prepared things well, so there was a big crowd and to everyone’s
surprise they allowed us a central place in town where there is a stage and places to sit which they usually only allow the president or other high up government officials to use; anyone else has to go to the soccer field a bit out of town which is just a grass strip with nothing.
On Saturday I was teaching a seminar for pastors & leaders from different churches, whoever was interested. ‘The truth will set you free …’ is what I saw once again … . On Sunday, after ministering in one of the churches we went to Guro to do evangelism there that night. The police were nice to us, despite of the short notice, us just showing up. As we arrived at the soccer field it looked like the whole town had gathered to watch the teams playing, so it was easy to spread the message. There were so many people gathered that night, I have no idea how many – and the MP3 for first time ever just wouldn’t work, so we couldn’t show the film – crazy! There was nothing we could do, so after trying (with praying) for a long time, we just worshiped with the keyboard and I was preaching spontaneously. The amazing thing was that the crowd was with me in a way I have rarely seen and hundreds of people gave their lives to Jesus – even without showing the film – we just prayed for people. A new church was born. Yes, we must be flexible and just do what we can … .
Some days things are a bit backwards … we had Xima (dry grits) and goat meat for breakfast (with lots of oil), nothing for lunch, and cookies & peanuts for dinner because there wasn’t anything else). Also, that night I had a bit of a challenge … when I laid down to sleep in the ‘church’ we asked permission to sleep in there … within minutes thousands of ants were on my mat, in my sleeping bag, even in my clothes … after
kicking most of them off I decided to try sleeping on the benches, even though they are small and not very stable … that way I managed to sleep at least a few hours … until I woke up again, covered in ants, in my face, hair, everywhere … it really wasn’t funny … I’ve been sleeping with ants before but that amount out passed all my other experiences … at 5 a.m., even though it was quite cold, I got up ‘voluntarily’ … so at least we were back home early enough to get all the things done we needed to get done that day … everything has its advantages … ;‐)
Every blessing & greetings from Mozambique,
Released a.m. JuneHYPERLINK “http://loving-the-nations.org/juni-2015/” 15, 2015
MarchHYPERLINK “http://loving-the-nations.org/maerz-april-2015/” / April 2015
2nd house
new shirts
school material for other orphans from the area
what we built so far (February 2015)
window frames, mosquito frames, cement..
My dear friends,
I know I know, this letter to you is overdue for a long long time … sorry! Let me share some things with you that happened lately…
Last week we went to Quelimane in Zambesia province for evangelism, preaching, teaching and to encourage the church there. The pastor is a young guy whom I’ve known for a number of years. He lived here in Chimoio as he was training to become a nurse. When he was transferred I encouraged him to use the opportunity to share Jesus with the people there. He did and people gave their lives to Jesus in a place dominated by Muslims and some Catholics. For years he asked me to come & visit the church he planted. This past week God put it in my heart to answer his request so we went there. It is far & the road is bad bad bad. It is a tar road but there isn’t a whole lot of tar left and it’s tiring to drive 11hours on a road on which you constantly have to decide which side of the road is better, which pothole is less deep, having to choose between bad worse and the worst. Anyways it was worth the effort. We saw the kingdom of God coming to the people, as we showed the Jesus film (after overcoming some obstacles due to witchcraft), preaching, praying for them, teaching at the church … many were saved, healed, delivered … glory honor and praise be to Jesus, who was and is and is to come!
In the prison … We’re continuing to have amazing favor there … The prison director even gave us seed for ‘Cove Staca’, which we’ve been wanting to plant at the new property, but you can’t buy it anywhere; it’s the green vegetable people eat here with xima (dry grits) which just keeps on producing leaves all year around. Lately more and more officials are asking for prayer from us and are getting healed. Even those that come to our services regularly are hardly sick anymore. On a Tuesday a few weeks ago as we were waiting for the prison guards to open the cells so the prisoners could attend our service the Holy Spirit prompted me to share with our inside pastor there about the prison in Argentina I once visited where they were praying 24 hours a day and the transformation there as a result of that. So on march 1st they started 1 month of 24/7 prayer there and I believe the shift in the atmosphere has already started! I am looking forward to the answers to their prayers …
In the hospital… still going & we’re pressing in for a breakthrough, more miracles, actually see the hospital empty …
The discipleship group for young leaders at ‘my house’ is going well … they’re gaining a greater and greater understanding of life in the kingdom, Christlikeness, the truth setting them free, godly leadership, are more & more passionate about Jesus …
We’ve also been back to Zimbabwe, to help one of the pastors to open a new church, train pastors & leaders … it was a blessed time … they asked us to come back … we’ll see … as the Spirit leads …
The street children, at the new property … On a Wednesday morning in January I’m receiving a text message on my phone from one of the guys staying at the new property to prepare things for the children to move in saying “the children are here”, I answered,” what do you mean here, where?” “Here in Augustinho Neto“, was his answer. “What?!?! I called him and he explained the kids just showed up there telling him “we’ll stay here now”. They walked 15km on foot without shoes to get there. What to do? One of my Mozambican friends was already cooking food for them because it was Wednesday (the day of the week we feed them a hot meal), so we decided to have lunch there. After talking with them we decided to take those back into town that have some kind of relative in Chimoio that could worry about them, the others (who have been on the street for years) we allowed to stay. On their day of arrival there was nothing there, just an empty house, with cement floors, but I guess anything is better than sleeping on the street where they get beaten, chased and taken away even the little they have about every night. Them moving in before we were ready got us even busier than we already were, I was buying things into town like mats, sheets, mosquito nets, blankets, clothes, pots & pans, spoons, cups, plates, bowls, buckets, soap, food for 3 meals a day and and and … cause these children had absolutely nothing except some filthy rags on them. All of this was happening while we were still putting on windows, building the 2nd house, the machessa, a temporary bathroom/toilet/shower Mozambican style … .
Now they’re all eating well, showering regularly, have clean clothes (actually look like people), enjoy playing soccer … and what is really important we managed to get them all into the local school (which was quite a battle since they have no documents whatsoever). It is nice to see them living a normal life, getting up in the morning, praying, doing some chores, showering, having breakfast, getting ready for school… .
The 2nd house better gets finished soon because we need more space … .
As far as the paperwork for Loving the Nations is concerned we’re still waiting … if you could keep praying with us would be greatly appreciated … In my last letter I wrote that I believed God wanted us to also help some orphan children of the suburb that wouldn’t be able to go to school otherwise. We first offered to sponsor 10, but grandmothers just kept coming to us crying to please help them, too, so we made a waiting list and in the end were paying the school fees, school material … for 25 children (besides our own)!!
Last week I went into a new store to buy a bag of rice for the kids, but they didn’t have the kind I used to buy. Someone approached me trying to convince me that another kind was good, too. I was kind of hesitant though mainly because it was more expensive than the one I’d have liked. As we were talking I mentioned the rice was for the children. He asked where they were, how many … and I explained. Then he asked again which of the kinds of rice I wanted. I didn’t really want any of them but somehow I heard myself saying ‘if any that kind’ (I pointed to the 25kg bag). He asked again if the rice was for the children, so I said ‘yes’, still not interested in buying any there. Then he said “let me buy the rice for the children”. I was surprised but he was serious, asking the owner of the shop to get me a bag and paid. So I left the store with a bag of rice that someone bought whom I’ve never met before … God provides in different ways …
God is good all the time! Greetings from Mozambique
Released a.m. April 28, 2015
My dear friends,
I hope you had a great Christmas, celebrating the birth of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
I was at our center celebrating with the children and we definitely had fun J. In the morning we talked about what Christmas is about and why we give each other presents. Then had spaghetti (which is special here) with ground beef, fried chicken, salad & soft drinks for lunch and for the first time in their lifetime they had ice-cream for dessert (what a treat J). With everyone’s stomachs being more than full the time had come to open the presents. Our children are very fortunate because here in Mozambique it is not common that children get presents, not even for Christmas … so they know they are blessed & loved a lot …
As always a lot of things have happened since I last wrote you … let me share some with you …
In November I had a visitor from Germany and after I finished teaching the seminar (on how do you know what God has called you to do) in Manica I took her to ‘Casa Messica’ from where you have a beautiful view over the river & lake there. As we were having dinner the owner (who knows me) came by to say hi and as always shared a few struggles they’ve been having there; then he says, “…come back for Christmas”, so I said that I’ll be busy with the children then. “Bring them here!”. I didn’t respond because I knew how expensive it is to eat there. Then he asked how many there were, so I said 15 from the center and 15 that are still living on the street. “Bring them all here” he said again, “I treat them for a meal”. Now things were getting interesting. To make a long story short he was really serious and I went there on December 18th with all the kids and some other adults to help, and not only for a meal, but for lunch & dinner, a guided walk to see the animals, swim in the pool, spending the night and a delicious breakfast – what a treat! As we were having dinner someone who had come for the candle light dinner & Christmas carols etc. they had announced for the night we were there asked if he could buy soft drinks for all the kids … sure … so not even that was missing … . Now imagine these children have never eaten in a restaurant before, never swam in a pool and never slept in a hotel… . Everyone is still talking about it & we’re invited to come back …
And not only that they invited publicly for a candle light dinner, Christmas carols etc. and gave our children an opportunity to sing there. Originally the owner had said to me they’ll use the money they’ll raise by selling the candles to at least pay the people cleaning the rooms with it (which would have been fine), but then he decided to give me the money to buy whatever I wanted to buy for the kids (that’s where the Christmas chickens & ice-cream came from by the way), so we even left with an offering there … . God, you amaze me …
At the new property …
The 1st house is as good as finished (just doors & windows are missing), building the “bathroom/shower-house” now, started with the 2nd house and are building a big machessa – African style with the thatch roof, so a lot of work – ALL at the same time … it’s kind of insane, but we need it all at the same time, so it has to work somehow. We’re hoping (pray with us) that the first kids can move in within the first 2 weeks of January because then school starts and I really want to see them in school this year, not missing another year! I don’t know how we’ll pay for all of them to eat there every day (it won’t be just one meal a week then like it is now, but 3 meals a day), plus all the other things they’ll need, so this a faith project, but those are the Father’s kids, so He’ll just have to take care of them and He will I believe, He’s faithful at all times … .
Besides that, I promised the leader of that suburb that we’ll sponsor 10 children from that suburb that haven’t been in school this last year because they couldn’t afford school uniforms, school material etc. I believe this is what Jesus is asking me to do, so we’re committed, living by faith not by sight, as usual.
In the prison …
had another baptism in November – it was a joy to hear their testimonies and see their faces shining as they came out of the water …
on December 23rd we did a Christmas service there … I had asked for 500 people to participate, which I thought was a lot already … but as I was talking to the director he asked if we couldn’t do with the whole prison which means 800 some people … sure … it was amazing, amazing, amazing, what a grace, ALL the prisoners gathered in one place hearing the gospel & about the coming of Jesus, who He is, even all the Muslims were present, and many many gave their lives to Jesus for the first time. Then we gave them all bread & juice (which is a common ‘snack’ here) …
All these things are happening in the midst of lots of difficulties, persecution, hardly any water at my house (only every 3 days average at the moment and then only for a short time), spending lots of time in vain trying to fix things on my car and it’s still not repaired, my oldest dog (the one I had first) died … anyways Jesus didn’t promise us life ‘d be easy, but that He’d be with us and we’d overcome …
In the hospital…
still going … lots of things Jesus is asking us to do are about faithfulness … the team has some new members which I am really excited about – an answer to prayer J!
The youth service …
also still every first Sunday afternoon of each month and every single time very special. I’m proud of ‘my’ team, they’re heroes!
Last Sunday afternoon we had a regular team meeting at ‘my’ house, but were also discussing whether we should continue; it’s the end of the year now, beginning of a new year, so a good time for feedback. Everyone “voted” for continuing. There are many churches here, but everyone is doing their own thing and when there are youth gathering it’s basically just singing, not even really worship, hardly any prayer and no message (teaching). What I have seen is that those that ‘ve come regularly have become strong in Christ and they’re influencing the other youths in their churches towards Jesus …
According to a vision God showed me I started a discipleship group for young leaders at ‘my house’, 15 people, every other Sunday at 6 p.m. for 6 months; Jesus even gave me a complete list of the topics He wants me to teach them and I believe He handpicked those that are participating. I’ve done 3 so far and there has been an incredible depth of teaching & revelation & sharing hearts & praying together. This is the army to ‘take the city’ … .
Pastors & leaders training for the Partners in harvest churches here in Manica has also started, once a month, every first Saturday. I was surprised how many came, hungry to learn and it was great to hear them sharing what touched their hearts at the end of the day …
Maybe let me share one more opportunity with you that the Lord has given me lately … there is a church here in Chimoio called ‘Embaxada’ (which means embassy), probably the fasted growing church here at the moment (started 3 years ago)… I went to a Wednesday night service (so during the week) and there were more than 1000 people gathered … one of my team members is good friends with the leader and he had told him many things about me … so as we showed up the leader called us to talk to him afterwards … we had a short conversation and even though I was quite discouraged during that time & could have used some encouragement myself, the Holy Spirit gave me words to encourage him and within minutes he decided that I was the first person from the outside he allowed to be a part of their staff training (which is 150 people), not because I’m white (many white people have shown up there), but because of my humility & a different attitude than other people that used to show up there and because I was carrying something they needed (that’s what he said). That is definitely a privilege & a great honor I wasn’t expecting at all. So last Friday I was invited to come & share & I did … we started at 4 p.m. and finished at 10 p.m., nothing is short there …
A quick note on a practical miracle that happened last week … I had to go to the car inspection last Friday … but the ‘check engine light’ was on, just couldn’t find time to alignment in-between taking the kids to Messica, organizing Christmas presents and the missionary Christmas celebration (which I was also responsible for)… so in the end I decided God ‘d just have to take care of it, I can’t wait with all this police now on the road during Christmas season … . Somehow the guy who took my car through the inspection, over the different machines didn’t see the engine check light and the off alignment didn’t show … the lights were all working, but not the windscreen wipers – to my surprise/shock – I didn’t know, I had just repaired them, but he let me get away with it … it was actually the first time ever of all these times I’ve taken cars through the inspection that absolutely no complains showed up on the paper that came out of computer … that I’d count a miracle & I’d like to say thank you God …
Greetings from Mozambique & a blessed new year.
getting rid of the bush on our property
on the way to be officially married
Pastor Alfa & his wife exchanging wedding rings
prayer at the wedding
straw we collected for the machessa
My dear friends,
after being away for 3 months, two in Europe and one in America, having a great time, I am back in Africa now. I was glad to find my dogs alive & well, my car started right away and everything was still in my house. Only the pot my guard used to cook food for the dogs in it and 2 of the dog’s chains were gone but oh well, those are minor things. Funny enough just before I left they had dog’s chains at the Chinese store (which I had been looking for 2 years) and I bought 2 thinking ‚maybe I need them at some point’, so that was an easy problem to resolve since I already had them. I have 3 dogs, but only 2 chains were stolen – good, since I had 2 extra ;-‐). Way worse at my neighbor’s house, important things and things of value were stolen. So I am grateful. Please pray for our protection here. Quite a few missionaries had people either trying or actually stealing from them. They know we’re gone on Sunday mornings but what can we do? We can’t stay home just to protect our things. Jesus & his angels will have to do that …
I’ve never been bored here but this past month since I’m back has been just as busy as the month before I left. I hope there will be a bit less sometime soon …
Guess what? My toilet is fixed – amazing, after 2 years living in this house – praise God!! Now just the repairs on my old car need to be finalized …. the mechanic has come, but only for a bit cause his boss makes him work all the time, even when he is supposed to have of … please pray with me that this project gets finished … it’s been more than 2 years as well … the owner of my house wants to buy it, so once we make the contract I won’t have to pay rent for 20 months which will free up money for other things ….
For some reason there are more street kids than ever before … for now we’re continuing to feed them a hot meal a week, teaching them from the bible, checking on their health, everyone also just got a haircut …
2 of the oldest ones are still in prison for stealing… it is not clear for how long … they’re truly repentant …
Don’t know if you remember … the property in Augostinho Neto (a suburb of Chimoio) is now ours AND we were given a building permit within 10 days .. then God sent me a builder I could trust (hard to find here, would count it a miracle) and we started building even before I left … now the first house for the children has been built, must just do the floors, but the roof is already on, put in doors and window and the first children can live there … please pray with me for supernatural favor with social welfare & other government departments and godly people to take care of the children, would you? I really want at least some of them off the street until December, so we can enroll them in school there in January ….
My Mozambican friends have been working hard on legalizing Loving the Nations here. We managed to submit our application just before the criminal records expired – thank God!! 2 weeks ago they came to see our office (my house) and the property. It was not the easiest to get everyone together at the same time. The leader of the suburb who knows us well is also a pastor had someone dying in his church the day before so he had to do a funeral that morning, but the secretary came and they were okay with it. I made a nice breakfast (Mozambican style) and after asking lots of questions we went out to the property and they were quite positive. We’re hoping to get the last paper on Tuesday and that they won’t ask for another one after that … . Please pray for the political
situation to stay stable, otherwise things might be really difficult …
Yes, we’re still going to the hospital … so much desperation there … this place really needs a breakthrough in the spirit!!
A few weeks ago I felt we were supposed to do something different in the prison … so instead of a service I did a teaching on evangelism with them, explaining the basic truths of the gospel, gave them each a copy of key bible verses and a suggestion of a salvation prayer; then let them pair up in twos and each one had to share the gospel with his ‘partner’ and lead him in a prayer. I heard that the days after that many shared the gospel with fellow prisoners leading them to the Lord. Then a fight broke out over food (those that created the chaos were Muslims) and the prison was closed for some time (still is). Those that had been taught continued to spread the gospel though … . Since we didn’t know what happened we came as usual on Tuesdays. Somehow the guards let at least me in. The commander and others shared with me what had happened and asked me to pray to them, so I did right there and then; upon my request they allowed us to go to the part of the prison where the sick people are to pray for them. As we were in the room with a number of them I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to ask if they knew Jesus, had ever asked Him to come into their lives. Some said yes, others not yet. One of my team members prayed with someone in the local dialect, then I prayed with someone in Portuguese. Then 2 more that had entered the room later
insisted that they needed to be saved too. Not a problem. We couldn’t do our service that day but we prayed for the sick and 4 people were saved. That’s okay, too. We do what we can.
Even though I know the prison is closed we went back there last Tuesday cause the Holy Spirit told me to just go there; the guards allowed us in and we had our regular service with our brothers there … please pray with us that we continue to find open doors … . Since I’ve been back I’ve also gone most of the Thursdays to do the bible study there. It’s a different group, also very attentive and eager to learn. I’ve done it before but not regularly, would like to continue with it though, as often as I can …
The youth service is still a joy to me … this month I had the privilege of preaching &ministering … . I heard they put up the prize of rent (doubled it) but so far they haven’t said anything to me … I hope & pray it’ll stay like that … otherwise I don’t know what we’ll do ….
Been to another wedding of good friends of mine … Pastor Alfa & his wife (see pictures) …
On Monday (my day of prayer & fasting) God spoke many things to me … for now I’d like to say pray with me that they become a reality and God sends the right people for each of the things … .
I’ve also been back to Zimbabwe, to the Nyanga area this time … showing the Jesus’ film, preaching, teaching, ministering … .
The first night we got to the place very late; as we were approaching a group of men were walking towards us; they had left the site and were on their way home, thinking we weren’t coming anymore … we encouraged them to go back … they denied, but still came … . The women and children were still there though rejoicing when they saw the car. It was freezing cold, but no one left. I was so cold that I had a hard time talking (preaching), but somehow I managed and there was lots of fruit … .
One of the days the generator didn’t want to work, but thank God it was during the day and people were already gathered there, so we just did without …. managed to fix it though before we needed it at night … the place we were supposed to do evangelism that night didn’t work out, so we prayed God would open up another door and He did … at a much better place … at a shopping area …. lots of drunk and broken people there that really needed Jesus … after sharing the good news about Jesus with them & a conversion prayer almost everyone came forward for individual prayer in desperation … let me just say Jesus met them that night … .
Also, on Sunday morning the Holy Spirit was moving in the church … the sun was burning down on us, but everyone was right awake listening as God gave me word to speak into their lives …
In the weeks ahead I’ll go back to Zimbabwe with the team, do some seminars there and in Mozambique, continue visiting churches inside & outside Chimoio, have a visitor from Germany, hope to finish building the 2nd house and a machessa to meet at and much more ….
God’s been good to me …
Be blessed abundantly, protected, led and at peace,
Released a.m. April 28, 2015
Mai 2014
ministering to people an outreach in Zimbabwe
Pastor Bobo my guard his wife Rosas weeding setting an example for the church
Team meeting in the office at my house preparing for our monthly youth services
those that got baptized rejoicing singing dancing with Pr Taona
unloading plants that will serve as a hedge the new property
baptism in the prison
being touched by God
carrying plants to the new property
death in the prison
glory to God
our new property for the street children
My dear friends,
don’t really know what to write to you, so many things have been happening since I last wrote you and I don’t want to write you a forever long newsletter …
Let me start with this … we’ve had another great baptism in the prison (see pictures below) … our believers were asking, “do we have to wait until the end of the year to baptized? “, “Of course not “, I answered. There was great joy as celebrated those that died in Christ and are now alive with and for him …
Once again it’s a battle to find people to go to the hospital praying for/healing the sick and I’m definitely not the one convincing people that is the Holy Spirit’s job …
Our children at the center are doing well. I love going there seeing & teaching them more about Jesus & the bible…
The street kids could still use any prayer they can get. This week instead of meeting with them at the church as we used to we went to see them in the prison. After having been there for 5 days without eating anything they managed to borrow someone’s phone and called me crying”, “please bring us food, we are starving… “As we went there the next day we found almost all of them there. I enjoy seeing & feeding them, but preferably not in the prison. I hope one day those verses we give them to memorize each week will bring forth eternal fruit in their lives.
The property in Augustinho Neto (a suburb of Chimoio) where we want to build something specifically for them is finally legally ours!!!!!!!!!!! And God gave me favor with the mere as I spoke to him, so we didn’t have to pay any property tax ($4000). Now the building plan needs to be approved …
Did I tell you, I’ve got all the papers for the car? I’ve got the Mozambican registration, everything, so it’s fully “mine“ .
Things at my house have improved as well, the storage room outside the house has finally been built (after almost 2 years), so there are not things laying around everywhere anymore and the desert around my house is slowly but surely turning into a garden. Now just fixing the toilet is missing, but even that will be fixed one day I hope & believe …
My guard got married (see picture below); he felt he as the leading pastor needed to set an example for the church that it was important to get officially married before God, not just live together as almost everyone does here – I’m proud of him!
Once a month, each first Sunday of the month in the afternoon youth from various churches are still getting together to pray & worship & receive teaching at the red cross pavilion here in Chimoio. The team is great, but participation could be more at times I wish, but I guess whenever you pursue unity it’s not the masses that participate, but those whose hearts have been refined and are longing for the kingdom to come … . One thing has never lacked in those services: the presence of God
It was a privilege to be invited to be the preacher at the crusades one of the churches was doing here in Chimoio each week for 2 months..
I’m enjoying to regularly teach the youth from different churches as well as mentoring more and more youth leaders and pastors which is something I’ve always had a burden for and ’d like to do more, even though I don’t really know where to find more time.
The seminar in Macate was so amazing that I thought one seminar like that almost makes it worth it to endure staying here for a year. I wish you’d have been here to listen to their testimonies about what they’ve learnt. The one in Macossa was great, too.
Over Easter & the week after I was in Zimbabwe with the team, first at a conference, then doing evangelism and visiting different churches. Some of the battles on this trip were hard to handle and we might have lost some battles, but the victories we’ve seen surpassed days of ministry in other places. Of all the trips I’ve done there was never one when the generator just wouldn’t work; we eventually managed to fix it though. At one place in the far northeast I saw the power of God move in a way I never have on any outreach we’ve done so far. There were people everywhere, so many and even when it was really late they still didn’t want to go home; we had to almost force them. What happened there; I’d call a visitation. After showing the Jesus film, I preached the gospel as usual and led them into a salvation prayer. Then the Holy Spirit took over, words just came out of my mouth, words of knowledge, prophetic words …. everyone (the whole crowd) was on their knees praying, even those that had just given their lives to Jesus were praying, crying out to God; no one was praying for the sick but they were getting healed all over, Jesus gave me the grace to clearly see in the spirit what He was doing and as I spoke it people received it … then we made lines for those that wanted specific prayer for something … no one left … more of God was poured out … glory, honor and praise be to Jesus who sits on the throne and reigns forever and ever!!
Together in Christ,
Released a.m. April 28, 2015
My dear friends,
first of all, greetings to the season … hope you had a great Christmas, celebrating the birth of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ …
After spending much more time in South Africa than I predicted/wanted (will tell you the whole story in a little bit) I’m finally back in Mozambique – with my NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We’ve had a wonderful HOT Christmas with our children … having Mozambican celebration food (rice & chicken), lots of presents, new clothes for everyone … and lots of FUN …
So many things happened since I last wrote you (as usual) …
Youth services filled with the Presence of God (for 1 I wasn’t there because I was stuck in S.A – the team did very well – that’s my favorite & I’m grateful the H.S. urged me to pay the rent up front, before I left for S.A., even though there were still more than 3 weeks until the date) … .
God gave me supernatural favor speaking to the prison director to continue our services at least every other week … we had a great baptism celebration, baptizing 37 prisoners in November and a special Christmas service on the 24 of December (I asked for 300 people and they allowed 300 to participate – that’s a miracle!) … people were dancing, worshipping, hearing the Christmas story, giving their lives to Jesus, receiving prayer, getting healing, delivered, being filled with the H.S., getting food … glory to GOD!!
On the 26th of December we did a special lunch, sweets, soft drinks, clothes … for the street children with whom we’re still meeting every week … . Please keep the property of the street kids in prayer (the paperwork ….), also that the God sends the right people to take care of them once houses have been built so they can live with us … .
God added some team members to the hospital team (which is really an answer to prayer)…
Now let me tell me at least a little bit about the story of how God gave me the new car …
At first I was thinking to get a car from Japan like most people do here these days … well, I tried … 3 times I picked a car on the internet and 3 times as I was about to do the payment someone else bought it just at that moment. So I asked the Lord why things just didn’t work … and immediately I got an answer; “your car is not coming from Japan, your car is coming from South Africa”. Hmm. That was clear. Now everyone told me, “don’t buy a car in S.A., you won’t get it to Mozambique “. So I knew it wouldn’t be easy. Eventually I decided, despite of everything that made sense to obey the voice I heard. And it really wasn’t easy, but because of the word God had spoken He made it possible. God provided places to stay (even that seemed impossible at first to my surprise, but then God opened other doors through people I didn’t know before) and people were helping me to go to places and get it done.
The day before I was about to go down to S.A. was a Sunday & I felt I was supposed to go to the International church. When they asked about prayer requests I asked for prayer for my trip down to S.A. going by myself on these buses, in Johannesburg, finding the right car … . Then someone said, why I am not going with some other people that are also going there the next day. Well, I hadn’t known. He asked them if they could take me and they didn’t mind. They were leaving the day and even the time I had planned to go … wow … picked me up at my house and gave me a ride all the way to Jo’burg … when God plans things … J.
Then someone picked me up and dropped me off at the apartment of 2 Egyptian girls. May God bless them for everything they did for me. Within their busy schedule they freed some time to take me to dealerships in the area. Everyone told us the same thing: „The car you’re looking for is the most wanted car in the whole of South Africa and the money you have is very little, you won’t find one for that price “. We kept telling them together in faith: „We’ll find it.“ We really only spent a couple hours on Tuesday (the day I arrived) and Wednesday looking for cars. On Thursday they were busy with other things, so I asked if I could use their internet. They went to buy “airtime “. I typed „Toyota Hilux, 4×4, South Africa “– don’t really know how to do these things – and the very first car that came up looked good to me. It could have been anywhere in South Africa though and expensive and …. but looking at it I felt it was the car God had for me. Still looking at the picture the phone rang; it was one of their friends that had also been looking on the internet – and guess what?! He found the very same car. The difference is he knows how to do these things on the internet, I don’t. The girls felt it was God and decided to leave the things they were doing and go there. Now their car had a radiator leak and wouldn’t even have taken us there, but buy faith we left… . As we were at the gas station their phone rang. Their friend again, the one who had found the car, too. For some reason that very day the internet at the company he was working at wasn’t working and his boss sent everyone home. Now this had never happened before!! Now we had a car that could actually take us to the place where the car was, which was about a 1-hour drive. He offered to come and pick us up; so we went there together.
Someone else had wanted to buy the car 2 weeks before but somehow it fell through, which brought down the prize quite a bit.
Before I went to S.A. I had made a list of what I thought was important … Toyota Hilux, double cab, with the canopy already on (so there wouldn’t be extra expenses), 4×4, manual (no automatic), diesel, low mileage, good running condition, service history available, 1 owner, around $ 10.000 and a radio with a CD player & flash. It had EVERYTHING!! And on top of it security windows that can’t be broken, a double tank (140liters) which is very helpful going to the bush where there is no gas station and it’s a very nice color… J.
The day we went there the person doing the payment wasn’t there, so I had to come back the next day. We figured out a plan to make it work to come back there and I paid with online banking sending them the confirmation. Well, I thought I paid. Then went back to Mozambique by bus L because there were some things I really couldn’t miss here. I had finish the teaching on baptism, take care of the rent of the place we do the youth service, meet with the team and do the baptism in the prison, see the children, then I went down by bus again L. These buses really are a nightmare and you have to be on them for 24 hours, besides other buses you have to take before and after. By the grace of God only …!
In the meantime, the dealership told me the money wasn’t showing up in their account. Well, we found out, it had gone to someone else’s account cause the IBAN number the dealership had given me wrongly was unfortunately someone else’s account number … From the moment I “paid “until the money was in the right account it took 1 month (!). First, the owner of the account was out of the country, so nothing could be done cause with international money transfers the person who received the money must be informed first. Second, the bank was slow to move, but I guess a lot of prayer got them moving eventually. I knew buying a car in S.A. and importing it into Mozambique would be difficult, but certain problems I didn’t count on. I could write a book just about how this bank issue was resolved, but I won’t, so to make it short, eventually both banks, the bank of the dealership and my German bank made an exception that against bank rules the money wouldn’t be send back to Germany and then back to S.A., but be put directly into the right account. Praise God!!
So the first 2 weeks back in S.A. I spent just to resolve the bank issue – crazy! I hadn’t even done any of the paperwork cause the dealership wouldn’t give the car without having the money in their account. Then that battle started. The dealership was supposed to be helping me, but their boss refused. They wanted me to put the car in my name in S.A. (illegally, by bribing the traffic department), but as you know I don’t do those kind of things. I chose the difficult path, doing it the legal way, but God was with me and every miracle that needed to happen happened. May I just share 2 examples?
I needed a “police clearance “. So I went to the traffic department and asked at the information what was necessary for that. They explained and gave me a form to fill out and told me to go to the last window on the right. I handed in the form and a copy of my passport as the lady asked. She put everything in the computer and told me to go there, so I did. The inspector there chased me away cause the car registration paper was still in the dealership’s name and also it said Johannesburg, not Benoni, which is where I stayed. I went back to the traffic department wanting to give back the form which I had found out they were not supposed to give to me, but they refused to take it back and take it out of their system (which was God). After that I called the dealership (the person who sold me the car), explaining what the inspector told me, but his boss blocked the way of helping me (doing what was their responsibility). Well, God is ALWAYS BIGGER. I felt the only thing I could do was going back to the person (the inspector) that had previously chased me away and ask what I should do now because I really didn’t know what to do anymore. When I showed up at the door of his office he looked at me and asked, what I wanted here because he had already told me to go to Johannesburg. I said, that I heard what he said and I had called the dealership as he asked me, but they were refusing and I didn’t know what to do now. He asked again for my car registration and then told me, “I’ll help you, come back tomorrow morning before 8a.m.to be the first person to be attended“ – wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I came back the next morning early as I was told and put my car in the already existing que; then went to his office. He greeted me and asked where my car was. “In the que”, I answered. “Why did you put it in the que? Bring it inside, you have an appointment with me“. “Ah, okay, sorry, I didn’t know … .“ He gave me a form to fill out and my car really was the first one being inspected. Their system wasn’t working that morning but he tried anyways putting it into the computer (I had prayed in the meantime) and when I asked about it he answered, “it wasn’t working, but now it is, but maybe only for special people like you“. Only God can change someone’s heart like that. I was still the same person but after lots of prayer went up to the throne of grace the way I was treated was completely different J.
I could tell you many more stories like this one, but I don’t want to bore you, so maybe just one more, then that’s enough for today. Those of you that accompanied the whole process heard about a thing called the‚ “mos nr” which in the end enables you to get a Mozambican license plate. It’s supposed to take 3 days max, but after 1 month I still didn’t have it. The person doing my paperwork on the Mozambican side kept on calling them, but nothing moved forward, so eventually he said, you just call them yourself. I did. When I called the first time the lady promised to call the person doing my paperwork, but of course never did. 2 days later I called again, speaking to a different person who for some reason (God moved his heart I think) decided to sort out the issue and stayed in the office until 8 p.m., (they usually close at 3.30 p.m., then everyone goes home) and then called me at 7:30 a.m. the next morning asking for something to finalize the process and by 8.30 a.m. he called again to give me the number. When I thanked him he said, just said thank God (we had talked about me being a missionary …). Then their inspection (it’s called “Intertek”) was being done in South Africa and after that it was supposed to take at least 2 more weeks before I’d get the document from Maputo which I needed to officially import the car. I told God I really can’t wait that long any more, it’s almost Christmas and I need to be back with the children. I told the person doing my paperwork, it’ll only take 2 days, not 2 weeks and we were arguing over the phone because he didn’t want to believe me because he was going with his experience and I was making a statement of faith which I felt the H.S. asked me to make. And it really only took 2 days being sent from S.A., processed in Maputo and forwarded to Beira and being picked up from there to be taken to Manica where the customs office is!! The power of our words spoken in faith … .
It was challenging to pass 2 borders, but we managed and the car didn’t stay with the customs people as predicted, but I was able to take it straight to my house … J!! And it has already been used and will continue to be used for the glory of God …
Have a blessed NEW YEAR, joy & peace that doesn’t depend on circumstances, lots of grace …
Be full of the love of Jesus,
Released a.m. April 28, 2015
Dear friends,
as you know I like it nice & warm, but if it’s already almost 40° in the shade (which hardly exists as I am walking) in September I don’t want to know what November or December will be like …
About a week after I arrived as I was walking to the prison I hit my little toe so well, that it was probably broken, definitively nicely swollen and a pretty dark red/blueish color, which made it difficult to walk for weeks. It is one thing not to have a car, but if you can’t walk either things are quite difficult. Some friends that are nurses taped my last 2 toes together and I tried to not to walk too much for a few days. Different friends helped me out and somehow I managed to do all most important things – praise God!
As soon as that was almost over I started to have sharp pain in my head (more than a headache), that I could not cope without painkillers (which I don’t like and hardly ever take). After 3 days I decided, it’s enough! And from my bed sent a few text messages to people here, that I trust will really pray if I ask them. It got better immediately. I did not take any more pain killers and the next morning I was completely pain free (contrary to the days before)!
I spent quite a bit of time with the Legalization of the new property and things have indeed moved forward. Difficult to explain all the things necessary here, let me just say, it’s a lot & takes a lot of time. The property has been officially measured, we cleaned it (cut down the bush) which was a lot of work since it’s a pretty big property. Before the neighbors and other people take more of our land or people build houses on our property we better start building, even though we’re not done with all the paperwork. It’s a risk, but it’s a risk either way.
The street kids are all healthy which is pretty Amazing with the life they live I think … only God the Father can do that … this Wednesday was a public holiday so this week we had a little party/feast (don’t know how to call it) with chicken & the like, so of course they were excited …
It still excites me to see how Jesus is changing the lives of the prisoners more & more. They’ve asked for another baptism, so we better do it asap.
In one of the services recently they brought (dragged) someone that was obviously at least half-dead, didn’t move anymore. I asked everyone to pray and at the end of the service he left happily walking out of the place …
We are still going to the hospital regularly, every Tuesday afternoon … now there is a church (I’m yet to find out which one) that started a church service there and funny enough on Tuesday afternoons about the same time we are there, so we basically have parallel worship & prayer … J
Besides that …
my puppy has grown a lot and I was happy to see her alive & well when I got back; my big dog (guard) wasn’t doing so well though (only skin & bones, didn’t eat … I think if I had come back 2-3 days after I did I probably wouldn’t have found him alive anymore) …
I briefly met the owner of the house I’m renting, he came over, but we haven’t talked about the rent yet (he wanted almost double before I left) and I’ve decided, I won’t say anything if he doesn’t …
I’m moving around with ‚public transport’ using every opportunity to share Jesus with the people around me … or I’m using the legs God has given me which has the advantage of meeting lots of people as I’m walking …
Even though there was no electricity on the day we had another very blessed youth service, I liked their attitudes, God was present & moving …
I visited lots of churches, preached, taught … and saw good fruit – thanks be to God!
I’m hoping to buy a new car soon (have already talked to the customs people, made friends with them, found someone who’ll do the paperwork for me for free), now I must just find someone in the Jo’burg/Pretoria area I can stay with and someone that can go with me to find the ‚right car’, best someone who knows something about cars … or if not I must do it in a different way, but I definitively need a new car – it is more than time!!
Keep up the faith & love you have shown,
your reward is eternal,
blessings & peace,
Released a.m. April 28, 2015
JuneHYPERLINK “http://loving-the-nations.org/juni-2013/” 2013
Hello my dear friends,
greetings from Mozambique …
it is winter here, which means cold L
Let me share with you about our trip to Macossa …
Since I didn’t have a drivable car and my Mozambican friends generally don’t have cars, all 7 of us that came from Chimoio squeezed into a “shapa”, (pronounced shopa, so called‚ public transport’ here, size of a minibus), which died after 100km of moving slowly, so we had to take another one to get to Catandica – 4 hours for 140km (less than 100 miles) – crazy – and that on a tar road! The truck that the church there had ‚organized’ to take us & them from there was nowhere to be found. I am used to waiting, but from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. – for 8 hours standing around next to a gas station (without food) is not so nice … the 1 packet of cookies I had didn’t really help since of course I was sharing it with everyone (that’s how it is here, you can’t eat by yourself) … so you can imagine how many cookies I ate … . It was one of these moments when I thought, it is about time for my own new car.
What was nice, was that some of the children I used to take care of when I lived in Catandica passed by. Also, as usual, someone sat next to me, asking that I would pray for him. “For what?”, I asked. “That I can stop drinking and I need God in my life”. No problem. We prayed, his whole countenance lit up and he joyfully went his way. He was so grateful that he wanted to buy me something like a roll of bread, but I told him it’s okay, not necessary.
When the truck finally came I found out that 3 hours of the waiting had been because the police had stopped the truck since there were no car papers and also the driver didn’t have a license … . After pushing the car (it didn’t have a starter as many here) we finally continued. By now it was dark and toooo cold. The way how people are being transported here you’re not even allowed to transport cattle in Europe or America … . After 5 km the truck stopped again, nothing major the driver told us, just the plastic bag that holds the gas pedal has fallen off … hmm, ok … as we were driving uphill (not too steep) the truck started to roll back down the hill … it was not exactly funny … I said aloud “in the name of Jesus stop, forward” and thanks be to God the truck stopped and continued up the hill … then the lights went off … well, at least there was good moonlight and hardly any clouds that day … to make a long story short we did actually arrive in Macossa … at 11 p.m. Everyone was at least half frozen. The poor babies I was thinking.
We went ‚inside the church’, greetings, prayer … then the generator was switched on, so we could see, we took out the keyboard we had brought and many sang & danced for hours into the night. I decided to better ‚go to bed’ though.
I almost forgot, yes, there was something to eat, just after midnight, I ate, but at that point I didn’t really care about food anymore. The same cold chicken, that I was given for dinner, was offered to me again for breakfast, also with dry grits (hard maize porridge), only this time it was swimming in cold oil. I have to admit, it was one of these moments when I was looking forward to a nice German breakfast with wholegrain bread, real butter, jam, cheese … .
Then I was teaching all day, drinking 4×1.5litre bottles of disgustingly tasting water due to all the talking without a break. After the teaching about the Holy Spirit in the evening of course there had to be a practical part. As we were praying I quickly sneaked out to go to the ‚toilet’ and as I was coming back (thank God no snake) passing by the fire on which our dinner had been cooked I felt the warmth of the fire; what was interesting, even though it was freezing cold that night and we were basically outside, even though we were inside the church, but the ‚ church building’ was only a construction of some bamboos and straw, through which the wind went right though, the same warmth of the fire was at the place where we prayed for people. The fire of the Holy Spirit was literally to be felt. People were filled with the Holy Spirit, got words, experienced God … . I didn’t even notice where the time had gone, all of a sudden it was again 1 in the morning.
Early the next morning many were baptized and we celebrated communion. On both (Among other things) I had been teaching on the day before. The water we stepped into for baptism was not a nice lake or river, it was quite disgusting, and not exactly warm either, but all for Jesus I thought. This time I did it like that, that every 2-3 people that were baptized I asked 1 of the people that had participated in the seminar to baptize with me (as the Holy Spirit showed me), men, women, youth, old and young, to demonstrate that everyone who is a disciple of Jesus can and should baptize, and to take away their fear cause after you’ve done it once it is much easier … . After the service we went back home. Every few kilometers we had to put water into the engine and radiator, push the truck uphill, then there was smoke out of the engine and the truck with whom we had come stopped running, but thank God only as we were already back on the main road where there were also some other cars (God answered my prayer). Later than planned but at least we managed to get back to Chimoio.
Later on I heard that 1 couple we baptized were the most well-known witchdoctors in the area, whom the Lord had convinced by healing their daughter who had been sick for years (and the false prophets couldn’t help); they burnt everything that used to bring them money through their magic … praise God!!
We also went to Machaze …
It hasn’t changed, the road to get there is still a nightmare and we definitely saw more broken down vehicles than driving ones; on the way back, I payed attention, counting, there were 2 cars driving and 8 broken down ones, but thank God we made it back safely. The time in the garage before and after I used to explain people things of the bible & God, always using the time … .
The church there was encouraged, we gave food to hungry orphans (there was a drought again), I taught a seminar, and many that came by as they heard the music gave their lives to Jesus – I hadn’t planned to preach the gospel each time we worshipped, but okay , showed the Jesus film in a village, that didn’t have a church, but many drunkards … the village witch came as well, sitting right in front, mumbling don’t know what, but then listened carefully as I was preaching and prayed the sinners prayer aloud … you never know … .
The youth service we’re doing for all the churches is growing, more and more churches are participating … yes, Lord, more! Each time our good God granted us an Amazing presence of his Spirit, moving in a special way … just coming from one at the moment … such a sweet presence …
My prison- and hospital team has a new team member, a girl, that is really a blessing. One Tuesday morning as one of the team members was about to leave his house to go to the prison his next door neighbor asked, where he was going and he answered to the service in the prison. She wanted to come with and in the afternoon to the hospital as well. She’s excited about the opportunity, she had been wanting to reach out for a long time, but her church is only focused on itself; since we have an interdenominational team, no problem … .
Our prison pastor told me recently he was offered further responsibility, but he denied, cause he wanted to have time to build the kingdom … wow … it people outside were so committed … .
Also, lately I’ve heard lots of testimonies of people whose lives have been changed by God, his word, people being healed, delivered, don’t drink, smoke or take drugs anymore … .
I am still meeting with the street children … .
Maybe at this point I should mention, that I finally do have the paper from the local leader, where the property is to do something specifically for them … finally, after 7 months! Now the challenge is here in Chimoio which is generally more difficult … please pray with me, I’ve already tried and I am facing the wall, but nothing is impossible for God … .
The Loving the Nations papers are in Maputo, hoping and believing, that the registration here will be accepted … they’ve asked for other ones and I’m hoping to be able to send all they’re asking for before I’m away for a while …
On June 1st was/is children’s day in Mozambique so we had a celebration at our children’s center (see pictures), special, food, sweets, new clothes & presents for each one of them … .
Yes, we went again to open up the provincial assembly in prayer. It was good. Those things need to be dedicated to the Lord, not to other spirits … .
In the meantime I’ve been to Zimbabwe 3 times, each time with a wonderful team – thanks to my friend Claire, who made those outreaches possible by borrowing me her car!
Yes, I live on a continent that is not very developed in general, but one of the areas we went to I really felt thousands of years back or at least in the middle age – we kept on meeting carts with people sitting in them, donkeys in front – that is the transport there … and everyone in my car agreed on what we were driving on was not a road, but something else, we don’t know … at one time the ‚road’ went straight up a rock, about 10 meters, another time the bridge along a wide river was in pieces, so after we drove almost vertical downhill we had to cross a about 100 meter (more than 300 feet) wide river and so on … thanks be to Jesus for his protection!
I was impressed by the distances people were willing to walk just to hear the gospel (30-50km).
We showing the Jesus film at tons of places, preached, prayed, taught, encouraged, fellowshipped … glory & honor be to only one, our Lord Jesus Christ!
Thank you also to each one of you that supports me/us financially and not less important in prayer. I want you to know that you have a part in the fruit here, the many that are receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior, getting healed, set free, those that are being clothed and fed, get to know God more, are equipped, sent out … .
There is still lots to do before I go, but I am ready for a break and maybe I’ll see some of you soon when I am in Germany & Europe … . There would be much more to share that the Lord has done, but I’ll leave it at that for now …
Love & blessings,
Let us know what questions you have and we will get back to you.
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